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Penstemon Pensham Plum Jerkum - 2 litre pot
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Penstemon Pocahontas - 2 litre pot
Penstemon Raven - 2 litre pot
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Penstemon White Bedder (Snow Storm) - 2 litre pot
Perovskia atriplicifolia Little Spire - 2 litre pot
Perovskia Blue Spire - 2 litre pot
Persicaria affinis Darjeeling Red - 9cm pot
Persicaria amplexicaulis Alba - 2 litre pot
Persicaria amplexicaulis Blackfield - 2 litre pot
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Persicaria amplexicaulis Firetail - 2 litre pot
Persicaria amplexicaulis Golden Arrow - 9cm pot
Persicaria amplexicaulis Orange Field - 2 litre pot
Persicaria amplexicaulis Rosea - 2 litre pot
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Persicaria bistorta Superba - 2 litre pot
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Persicaria Pink Elephant - 9cm pot
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Phlomis russeliana - 2 litre pot
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Phlomis tuberosa Amazone - 9cm pot
Phlox paniculata Adessa White - 2 litre pot
Phlox paniculata Blue Paradise - 2 litre pot
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Phlox paniculata David - 2 litre pot
Phlox paniculata Franz Schubert - 2 litre pot
Phlox paniculata Sweet Summer Orange Rose - 2 litre pot
Phlox paniculata Sweet Summer Purple Bicolor - 2 litre pot
Phlox paniculata Sweet Summer Red - 2 litre pot
Phlox paniculata White Admiral - 2 litre pot
Phlox subulata Amazing Grace - 9cm pot
Phlox subulata Atropurpurea - 9cm pot
Phlox subulata Bavaria - 9cm pot
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Phlox subulata Emerald Cushion - 9cm pot
Phlox subulata Fabulous Rose Dark Eye - 9cm pot
Phlox subulata Fabulous White - 9cm pot
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Phlox subulata GoldiPhlox White - 9cm pot
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Phlox subulata McDaniel's Cushion - 9cm pot
Phlox subulata Tamaongalei (Kimono) - 9cm pot
Phlox subulata Zwergenteppich - 9cm pot
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Phlox x arendsii Hesperis - 2 litre pot
Physocarpus opulifolius Diabolo - 3 litre pot
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Physostegia virginiana Miss Manners - 2 litre pot
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Physostegia virginiana Vivid - 2 litre pot
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Pimpinella major Rosea - 9cm pot
Polemonium Heaven Scent - 2 litre pot
Polemonium Lambrook Mauve - 2 litre pot
Polemonium yezoense var. hidakanum Bressingham Purple - 2 litre pot
Polygonatum verticillatum Rubrum - 9cm pot
Polygonum scoparium - 9cm pot
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Potentilla Arc-en-ciel - 2 litre pot
Potentilla thurberi Monarch's Velvet - 9cm pot
Pratia pedunculata - 9cm pot
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Pratia pedunculata County Park - 9cm pot
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Primula auricula (mixed) - 9cm pot
Please note - colours may vary from those pictured