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Products In This Category:
Saxifraga Ice Colours Appleblossom - 9cm pot
Saxifraga Peter Pan - 9cm pot
Saxifraga Pixi Pan Appleblossom - 9cm pot
Saxifraga Pixi Pan Red - 9cm pot
Saxifraga Pixie White - 9cm pot
Saxifraga x urbium - 9cm pot
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Scabiosa caucasica Perfecta Alba - 9cm pot
Scabiosa caucasica Perfecta Blue - 9cm pot
Scabiosa columbaria Blue Note - 9cm pot
Schizachyrium scoparium Chameleon - 9cm pot
Scilla siberica - 9cm pot
Scilla siberica Alba - 9cm pot
Scutellaria suffrutescens Texas Rose - 9cm pot
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Sedum (Hylotelephium) cauticola Coca Cola - 9cm pot
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Sedum (Hylotelephium) Herbstfreude (Autumn Joy) - 2 litre pot
Sedum (Hylotelephium) Herbstfreude (Autumn Joy) - 9cm pot
Sedum (Hylotelephium) Matrona - 9cm pot
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Sedum (Hylotelephium) Ruby Glow - 2 litre pot
Sedum (Hylotelephium) Ruby Glow - 9cm pot
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Sedum (Hylotelephium) telephium Purple Emperor - 2 litre pot
Sedum (Hylotelephium) telephium Purple Emperor - 9cm pot
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Sedum kamtschaticum var. kamtschaticum Variegatum - 9cm pot
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Sedum spurium Fuldaglut - 9cm pot
Sedum takesimense Atlantis - 9cm pot
Selinum wallichianum - 9cm pot
Sesleria autumnalis - 2 litre pot
Sesleria autumnalis - 9cm pot
Sidalcea Elsie Heugh - 9cm pot
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Sisyrinchium striatum - 9cm pot
Spiranthes odorata Chadd's Ford - 9cm pot
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Stachys (Betonica) officinalis Hummelo - 2 litre pot
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Stachys (Betonica) officinalis Hummelo - 9cm pot
Stachys byzantina - 9cm pot
Stachys byzantina Silver Carpet - 2 litre pot
Stipa calamagrostis Allgau - 2 litre pot
Stipa gigantea - 2 litre pot
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Stipa tenuissima - 2 litre pot
Stipa tenuissima - 9cm pot
Strawberry, Loran - 9cm pot
Strawberry, Roman - 9cm pot
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Strawberry, Tristan - 9cm pot
Sweet Pea, Leamington - 9cm pot
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Sweet Pea, Matucana - 9cm pot
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Sweet Pea, Noel Sutton - 9cm pot
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Sweet Pea, Spencer Mixed - 9cm pot
Please note - Colours may vary from those pictured.
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Sweet Pea, Winston Churchill - 9cm pot
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